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  • Kaoru

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    válasz Janesz #403 üzenetére

    How do I use a confirmed address?

    A confirmed address is an address that has been reviewed by PayPal and found to be safe based on information related to the address. For example, a credit card billing address is confirmed because PayPal can check that the address is the same as the address on file at the credit card company.

    Sellers can use confirmed addresses to help make informed decisions when shipping goods. Sellers can be more confident in shipping goods to a confirmed address, but sellers can still ship to an unconfirmed address. An address remains unconfirmed because PayPal does not yet have enough information to confirm it.

    Sellers can use confirmed addresses to meet the Seller Protection Policy. Shipping to a confirmed address on the Transaction Details Page is one requirement of the Seller Protection Policy.

    Why can't my bank account be confirmed?

    PayPal does not allow confirmation from banks where our authentication methods will not function properly. We encourage members who have been unable to verify their PayPal account to register with another financial institution.

    Röviden magyarul:
    Paypal leellenőrzi, ha az a cím és név amit te megadtál egyezik-e a kártyán regisztráltéval, ha igen -> confirmed, ha nem -> nem confirmed.

    Ennek oka lehet: szüleid/tesód kártyája (nem a tiéd, de te használod és a te adataidat adtad meg. Ill, az OTP nem engedte az ebaynek az információ lekérését, amikor levette tőled az összeget, az a bank rendszerében lévő hiba. PayPal ienkor az javasolja, h válts bankot[/off]

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