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  • Lauda


    válasz dipeti #11011 üzenetére

    Ezt melyik menupont alatt lehet elerni? ;)

    Amugy a relaxa villam angol is jo hallas utani szovegertes gyakorlasra. :K

  • Hasaggymeg


    válasz dipeti #11011 üzenetére

    "Welcome to Onestopenglish's Live form London podcast. In Live from London we go to different parts of London to ask locals and visitors questions about their daily lives (mindennapjaikról) .
    Today Live from London reports from outside a (kávézó előtt) cafe on London South Bank. We ask people the question, what do you usually have for breakfast?
    - Well, it depends on the day, but usually just some cereal with milk, some toasts and maybe some orange juice. That's it.

    - Well, at school days (iskolanapokon) I have cereal or some coffee, but when I'm on vacation I usually have French toast or something more elaborated.

    - U mm, I usually have porridge (zabkása) with some seeds on and yoghourt either apple and fruit in it. Plus, tea.

    - One of the things I love to have for breakfast (szvsz.ez valami ottani kaja lehet,mint pl.a túrórudi) that's usually what I have. :F

    - I tend to have cereal with milk (2%) and I have toast that have raisins in it and a little bit of margarine, so one toast and one bowl of cereal and that's it.

    - I don't actually have breakfast what I do is I sort of start work about half five and I stop around about half ten and I have a roll,cheese and tomato? a cup of coffee and that's me done .

    - Two pieces of rye breads, two tomatoes and three egg-whites.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

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