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  • Diopapa


    válasz ng0ofy #807 üzenetére

    Noh, ha ha CR-es szokásos bő lére eresztett írásra gondolsz, ott két helyen hangzik el a "third person"

    " We render these in the manner of Freelancer, as detailed 3D environments where we see a third person view of our character in a location and we can click on Non Player Characters (NPCs) or terminals to buy / sell, upgrade your ship, get gossip, hear about a mission and so on."


    "This process is continued until you reach your final destination, which in my example would be Terra, where I would use my comm system to negotiate a landing slot, which would take me down to the planet’s surface via an in-engine cinematic. Once planet side I’ll be able to sell my cargo, replenish my supplies and look for new opportunities via the third person planet side interface."

    Szerintem egyik sem az űrutazásra vonatkozik. Én nem tudom elképzelni CR-ről, hogy akkora bakot lőne, mint a Cryptic a StarTrek Online készítésekor.

    Citizen Diopapa / Commander Diopapa "SC csomag olyan, mint a barackfa, unokáidnak veszed - .tnm / De pálinkát nemlehet főzni belűle - *SkyS1gn"

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