
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Menthirist


    válasz pgabor26 #45040 üzenetére

    "Two aspects of our ongoing network refactor have come online - the first iteration of Serialized Variables and Network Message Ordering.
    Serialized Variables replaces some of the original aspects of CryEngine for handling data (aspects and class members) previously serialized by CryEngine NetSerialize calls. In simpler terms, it's a much more lightweight means for handling update messaging on the network, with reduced risk of updates being lost in caching or other processes - and reducing lag.
    Strictly Ordered Network Messaging moves the game away from CryNetwork client-server handling of networked objects, over to our new token system with a strict priority system for managing messaging between client and server nodes.
    Mega Map
    The new Mega Map system allows for much quicker loading time when switching between maps.
    In this initial release it will only be enabled for single player maps (Hangars and single-player Arena Commander), but we will be expanding this to include multiplayer maps in a future release.
    Multi-Region Servers
    We now have servers available in the US, Europe and Australia!
    You can choose what region you would like to connect to via an optional drop-down, when connecting to any multiplayer instance.
    Selecting "All" will currently default to the US servers, but that will change as we build and improve on the functionality of our region support."


    Star Citizen FAQ (Mielőtt kérdeznél)

  • vaakuum


    válasz pgabor26 #45040 üzenetére

    Öööö, most hirtelen megint nem vagyok képben, a PTU az melyik? Az az alap tesztszerver, vagy pedig a tesztszerver tesztszervere? :B
    Összefoglalóba nem írná bele valaki ezeket az elnevezéseket?

    "Asszony kell a házba!" - Kőműves Kelemen - Szerintem is, csak nem pont úgy, waze! -----------------------------------------Az ideális nő függvénye: x=3ylog(y)-{(1/36)exp[-(36y-36/e)^4]}

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák