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  • válasz Ijk #58015 üzenetére

    Az még kevés... lehet alultáplált is valaki.

    Neked pl a csontozatod főleg a lábad abszolút nem vékony. De szerintem a többi sem stimmel...
    Főleg ma most... nem hordozod az alapjegyeit. Pedig ezek nagyon nem változnak a korral. Tehát 30 meg 40 évesen is kb úgy nézel ki.

    Common Genetic Traits of Ectomorphs:

    Lightning fast metabolism.
    Tiny bone structure (skinny wrists, skinny ankles, etc.).
    Sometimes a little hyper, and often times overly frigidity (which increases their NEAT – non exercise activity thermogenesis – which is part of what causes that super fast metabolism).
    Often picky eaters who don’t always possess a huge appetite.
    Naturally lacking muscle and strength.
    Naturally skinny, although not naturally lean (there’s a difference).

    Common Genetic Traits of Endomorphs:

    Super slow metabolism.
    Thick bone structure (thick wrists, thick ankles, etc.).
    Often people who love to eat and have huge appetites.
    Naturally big and strong.
    Naturally lacking tone, definition and any real form of leanness.

    Common Genetic Traits of Mesomorphs:

    Ideal metabolic rate (not too fast, not too slow).
    Ideal bone structure (not too thick, not too thin).
    Naturally lean (instead of naturally “skinny” like an ectomorph).
    Naturally muscular (instead of naturally “big” like an endomorph).
    Naturally athletic.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

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